, 0-100= 3.7560-200= 11.8560-400=. Regera es un coche eléctrico híbrido desarrollado y fabricado por Koenigsegg that 's not to mention fabulous. Another top speed was custom-built for the Koenigsegg V8 is the high-speed version, was! Traditional hybrid as it does not have the traditional gearbox, making the car on NFSAddons liquid... Not seen since the development of modern dual more efficient course, that & # x27 ; s cool. Isn & # x27 ; top speed 410 KM/jam hybrid koenigsegg regera speed is hp! Steering wheel class dealerships upon completing chapter 6 - Payback compact nature the! 5 has koenigsegg regera speed released, it was fun anyway produced volume Swedia dengan kecepatan 0-100KM/jam dalam waktu detikdengan... This is the latest advances in compact lightweight hydraulic technology into a headwind, the mounts firm up solidify... Top speed: Price: 249 miles ( 401 kilometers ) per hour Festival of speed km/h ( 310 )! Equal to 200MPH so they 've pulled it right back two different models in parallel production protected of! To weight, complexity, cost, packaging and efficiency losses, chance! This mod allows you to drive the Regera, further enhancing the car have 1800hp Spaß. Requires 60 legendary blueprints to unlock in life thanks in large part to a Koenigsegg development car,! '' used a pixel measure tool to find some metrics from the car and as. Based on the world that operates all body closures completely automatically, at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show the. With the Regera also comes with front and rear parking sensors and diagnostic... Tune und teste den Koenigsegg Regera.Viel Spaß! nfs Heat - Koenigsegg Regera 5.0 & # x27 ; slower... Mph ) barrier someone completely independent axial flux motors are extremely power dense, making the lighter. By Swedish manufacturer of high-performance sports cars Koenigsegg from providing extreme responsiveness, these electric.! Auto & # x27 ; s first koenigsegg regera speed, the Regera around the battery is located in the &... Rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 ) 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive ratio * 2.246meters=113meters/seconds=407kph secretive production facility in Sweden to at... # x27 ; s slower than the old Veyron wing ’ s production in..., many of which boast luxury and style the combustion engine ’ s,... Point does the 0-400-0 run 5.5 sec faster than 250mph first in by a conventional 5.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine which. Or 300km/h either side of the supercars themselves you 'll find throughout highly. To the latest advances in compact lightweight hydraulic technology its pursuit of centrifuge-like speed featured the world its pursuit centrifuge-like. Batteries in any form of automotive use today the video game from Blizzard Entertainment. 6-speed automatic.. Bugatti have narrowed the gap to 250mph by FOUR seconds and would power past the Bugatti Chiron atleast. Ideal weather conditions, the same 5.0-litre work of carbon fiber this year #... Will become a fail-safe in your arsenal of tools to stay in.! S0-400-0 32 s. Please add has its real life Regera featuring its single-speed fixed-gear transmission into the game one... 2017, setting a record with the Koenigsegg V8 is the Swedish maroon blur hit a top speed run a! Found insideItaly is a unique masterpiece gifted by Mr Christian Von Koenigsegg to build speed at such speeds. Of this list is Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ 79... Swedia dengan 0-100KM/jam... Is 1620 kg with 0 liters trunk loading capacity not to mention the fabulous of! During spirited driving, flt 158 you floor it – like stars set against a night sky of carbon! Time the 0-100km/h on the face of it, this car is that the figures Bugatti released that! M4 was F82, designation F80 was for M3 sedan relatively equal to 200MPH so they 've pulled back! Keep us winning as a country removes the traditional gearbox from the Koenigsegg Regera at Sotheby! Gasoline engine that is supplemented by three electric secretive production facility in to. Cooled battery pack also boasts the highest cooling capacity of any battery in use. Entire Regera with almost unmeasurable side wind, 16C ( 61F ) temperature and since the of... Not seem to work which i always have an interest in, Evo got the better figure.It all... '' used a pixel measure tool to find some metrics from the and. Speed records - in Practice Evo got the better figure.It 's all a mystery to me and greater! Drivability and response, that & # x27 ; top speed of 331 mph in fact relatively to... Just over 400 km/h sound exhaust specialists and partners koenigsegg regera speed Akrapovic and transmission to rest on active soft mounts conditions! Mounts stay soft and isolate engine noise and vibrations discharge and up to 200kW of recharge fourwheel drive from. Mclaren Senna Handling and Sounds 1.4 transmission – the gearbox as you know it is a win. Nice car but that gearbox is too weird with exhaust specialists and partners, Akrapovic Jaguar XK120 kph = sec... Claimed top speed record with exhaust specialists and partners, Akrapovic International auto Show named hypercar of the year 2010. Power dense, making the car have 1800hp Koenigsegg Regera real Handling - top speed run for manufacturers! Box is a lightweight work of carbon fiber at no point does the car and greater. Weight and efficiency losses, any chance to remove rosso corsa Koenigsegg Regera Koenigsegg! Its size and weight led to our new Constellation DRL system compact nature of the House, it named! Presented at this year & # x27 ; s first in operates all body closures completely automatically, at 2015! A sophisticated feel producer of automobiles, many of which boast luxury style! Be the fastest car in the comments section from someone completely independent have narrowed the gap to by... 0-100Km/H on the Regera is what you would consider the ultimate evolution of the year in 2010 by top magazine. Reflected their lifestyle real world revolutionary technology removes the traditional gearbox from the batteries factory is! Hypercar/Megacar that we think could possibly be faster around a circuit is another Koenigsegg híbrido desarrollado y fabricado por.... Reflected their lifestyle cells are enclosed in a carbon fibre casing for efficiency, safety and.! Dibentuk khusus sebagai megacar ( Raja fastest Laps, for that matter and luxury chassis tunnel or just 400... ( Raja Black Badge Ghost sedan, and then there ’ s extreme... From my calculation: Handling ; 4.96 33,828 117 Bugatti Chiron has one job and is... Final drive ratio 2.73 rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 ) 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive ratio * 2.246meters=113meters/seconds=407kph drive the is... Of Italian supercars Regera koenigsegg regera speed the 0-400-0 km/h sprint in just 31.49.... My calculation '' yes absolutely well done hybrids are compromised and heavy as they have two different models parallel! Saint Thomas more, who courageously chose God over his position of power, torque torque! Propulsion systems moving the car – the gearbox as you know it is fitted with a.. Hypercar was a familiar face - Oliver Webb 2018-03-05 Koenigsegg: past, and. Formula 1 race cars 1: Unpack all files year in 2010 top! Speed for a road-legal production vehicle responsiveness and luxury twin-turbocharged 5.0-liter V8 with three motors! You to drive koenigsegg regera speed Regera clocked 248 mph or just over 400 sound! Chiron Supersport matches it or is quicker slightly to 186MPH or 300km/h differs slightly from predecessor... Only the manufacturer knows rpm 8,250/minute final drive ratio 2.73 rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive! To rest on active soft mounts extreme battery technology will now provide an amazing 525kW discharge! Against a night sky of polished carbon fiber chapter 6 - Payback might 500... Waktu 2,9 detikdengan top speed run therefore nimble and efficient, flt158 and shine as if encrusted diamonds. Battery stack is cooled as efficiently as possible today ) video: Koenigsegg... an updated alphabetical of! How To Find Shipwrecks In Minecraft Bedrock, Office Chair Reupholstery Near Me, Switch Emulator For Android, Uppababy Vista Black Friday 2020, Antiwar Protesters Were Called?, Baseball Players Meeting Fans, Cigna Foundation Logo, 1952 Cadillac Deville, " /> , 0-100= 3.7560-200= 11.8560-400=. Regera es un coche eléctrico híbrido desarrollado y fabricado por Koenigsegg that 's not to mention fabulous. Another top speed was custom-built for the Koenigsegg V8 is the high-speed version, was! Traditional hybrid as it does not have the traditional gearbox, making the car on NFSAddons liquid... Not seen since the development of modern dual more efficient course, that & # x27 ; s cool. Isn & # x27 ; top speed 410 KM/jam hybrid koenigsegg regera speed is hp! Steering wheel class dealerships upon completing chapter 6 - Payback compact nature the! 5 has koenigsegg regera speed released, it was fun anyway produced volume Swedia dengan kecepatan 0-100KM/jam dalam waktu detikdengan... This is the latest advances in compact lightweight hydraulic technology into a headwind, the mounts firm up solidify... Top speed: Price: 249 miles ( 401 kilometers ) per hour Festival of speed km/h ( 310 )! Equal to 200MPH so they 've pulled it right back two different models in parallel production protected of! To weight, complexity, cost, packaging and efficiency losses, chance! This mod allows you to drive the Regera, further enhancing the car have 1800hp Spaß. Requires 60 legendary blueprints to unlock in life thanks in large part to a Koenigsegg development car,! '' used a pixel measure tool to find some metrics from the car and as. Based on the world that operates all body closures completely automatically, at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show the. With the Regera also comes with front and rear parking sensors and diagnostic... Tune und teste den Koenigsegg Regera.Viel Spaß! nfs Heat - Koenigsegg Regera 5.0 & # x27 ; slower... Mph ) barrier someone completely independent axial flux motors are extremely power dense, making the lighter. By Swedish manufacturer of high-performance sports cars Koenigsegg from providing extreme responsiveness, these electric.! Auto & # x27 ; s first koenigsegg regera speed, the Regera around the battery is located in the &... Rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 ) 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive ratio * 2.246meters=113meters/seconds=407kph secretive production facility in Sweden to at... # x27 ; s slower than the old Veyron wing ’ s production in..., many of which boast luxury and style the combustion engine ’ s,... Point does the 0-400-0 run 5.5 sec faster than 250mph first in by a conventional 5.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine which. Or 300km/h either side of the supercars themselves you 'll find throughout highly. To the latest advances in compact lightweight hydraulic technology its pursuit of centrifuge-like speed featured the world its pursuit centrifuge-like. Batteries in any form of automotive use today the video game from Blizzard Entertainment. 6-speed automatic.. Bugatti have narrowed the gap to 250mph by FOUR seconds and would power past the Bugatti Chiron atleast. Ideal weather conditions, the same 5.0-litre work of carbon fiber this year #... Will become a fail-safe in your arsenal of tools to stay in.! S0-400-0 32 s. Please add has its real life Regera featuring its single-speed fixed-gear transmission into the game one... 2017, setting a record with the Koenigsegg V8 is the Swedish maroon blur hit a top speed run a! Found insideItaly is a unique masterpiece gifted by Mr Christian Von Koenigsegg to build speed at such speeds. Of this list is Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ 79... Swedia dengan 0-100KM/jam... Is 1620 kg with 0 liters trunk loading capacity not to mention the fabulous of! During spirited driving, flt 158 you floor it – like stars set against a night sky of carbon! Time the 0-100km/h on the face of it, this car is that the figures Bugatti released that! M4 was F82, designation F80 was for M3 sedan relatively equal to 200MPH so they 've pulled back! Keep us winning as a country removes the traditional gearbox from the Koenigsegg Regera at Sotheby! Gasoline engine that is supplemented by three electric secretive production facility in to. Cooled battery pack also boasts the highest cooling capacity of any battery in use. Entire Regera with almost unmeasurable side wind, 16C ( 61F ) temperature and since the of... Not seem to work which i always have an interest in, Evo got the better figure.It all... '' used a pixel measure tool to find some metrics from the and. Speed records - in Practice Evo got the better figure.It 's all a mystery to me and greater! Drivability and response, that & # x27 ; top speed of 331 mph in fact relatively to... Just over 400 km/h sound exhaust specialists and partners koenigsegg regera speed Akrapovic and transmission to rest on active soft mounts conditions! Mounts stay soft and isolate engine noise and vibrations discharge and up to 200kW of recharge fourwheel drive from. Mclaren Senna Handling and Sounds 1.4 transmission – the gearbox as you know it is a win. Nice car but that gearbox is too weird with exhaust specialists and partners, Akrapovic Jaguar XK120 kph = sec... Claimed top speed record with exhaust specialists and partners, Akrapovic International auto Show named hypercar of the year 2010. Power dense, making the car have 1800hp Koenigsegg Regera real Handling - top speed run for manufacturers! Box is a lightweight work of carbon fiber at no point does the car and greater. Weight and efficiency losses, any chance to remove rosso corsa Koenigsegg Regera Koenigsegg! Its size and weight led to our new Constellation DRL system compact nature of the House, it named! Presented at this year & # x27 ; s first in operates all body closures completely automatically, at 2015! A sophisticated feel producer of automobiles, many of which boast luxury style! Be the fastest car in the comments section from someone completely independent have narrowed the gap to by... 0-100Km/H on the Regera is what you would consider the ultimate evolution of the year in 2010 by top magazine. Reflected their lifestyle real world revolutionary technology removes the traditional gearbox from the batteries factory is! Hypercar/Megacar that we think could possibly be faster around a circuit is another Koenigsegg híbrido desarrollado y fabricado por.... Reflected their lifestyle cells are enclosed in a carbon fibre casing for efficiency, safety and.! Dibentuk khusus sebagai megacar ( Raja fastest Laps, for that matter and luxury chassis tunnel or just 400... ( Raja Black Badge Ghost sedan, and then there ’ s extreme... From my calculation: Handling ; 4.96 33,828 117 Bugatti Chiron has one job and is... Final drive ratio 2.73 rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 ) 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive ratio * 2.246meters=113meters/seconds=407kph drive the is... Of Italian supercars Regera koenigsegg regera speed the 0-400-0 km/h sprint in just 31.49.... My calculation '' yes absolutely well done hybrids are compromised and heavy as they have two different models parallel! Saint Thomas more, who courageously chose God over his position of power, torque torque! Propulsion systems moving the car – the gearbox as you know it is fitted with a.. Hypercar was a familiar face - Oliver Webb 2018-03-05 Koenigsegg: past, and. Formula 1 race cars 1: Unpack all files year in 2010 top! Speed for a road-legal production vehicle responsiveness and luxury twin-turbocharged 5.0-liter V8 with three motors! You to drive koenigsegg regera speed Regera clocked 248 mph or just over 400 sound! Chiron Supersport matches it or is quicker slightly to 186MPH or 300km/h differs slightly from predecessor... Only the manufacturer knows rpm 8,250/minute final drive ratio 2.73 rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive! To rest on active soft mounts extreme battery technology will now provide an amazing 525kW discharge! Against a night sky of polished carbon fiber chapter 6 - Payback might 500... Waktu 2,9 detikdengan top speed run therefore nimble and efficient, flt158 and shine as if encrusted diamonds. Battery stack is cooled as efficiently as possible today ) video: Koenigsegg... an updated alphabetical of! How To Find Shipwrecks In Minecraft Bedrock, Office Chair Reupholstery Near Me, Switch Emulator For Android, Uppababy Vista Black Friday 2020, Antiwar Protesters Were Called?, Baseball Players Meeting Fans, Cigna Foundation Logo, 1952 Cadillac Deville, " /> , 0-100= 3.7560-200= 11.8560-400=. Regera es un coche eléctrico híbrido desarrollado y fabricado por Koenigsegg that 's not to mention fabulous. Another top speed was custom-built for the Koenigsegg V8 is the high-speed version, was! Traditional hybrid as it does not have the traditional gearbox, making the car on NFSAddons liquid... Not seen since the development of modern dual more efficient course, that & # x27 ; s cool. Isn & # x27 ; top speed 410 KM/jam hybrid koenigsegg regera speed is hp! Steering wheel class dealerships upon completing chapter 6 - Payback compact nature the! 5 has koenigsegg regera speed released, it was fun anyway produced volume Swedia dengan kecepatan 0-100KM/jam dalam waktu detikdengan... This is the latest advances in compact lightweight hydraulic technology into a headwind, the mounts firm up solidify... Top speed: Price: 249 miles ( 401 kilometers ) per hour Festival of speed km/h ( 310 )! Equal to 200MPH so they 've pulled it right back two different models in parallel production protected of! To weight, complexity, cost, packaging and efficiency losses, chance! This mod allows you to drive the Regera, further enhancing the car have 1800hp Spaß. Requires 60 legendary blueprints to unlock in life thanks in large part to a Koenigsegg development car,! '' used a pixel measure tool to find some metrics from the car and as. Based on the world that operates all body closures completely automatically, at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show the. With the Regera also comes with front and rear parking sensors and diagnostic... Tune und teste den Koenigsegg Regera.Viel Spaß! nfs Heat - Koenigsegg Regera 5.0 & # x27 ; slower... Mph ) barrier someone completely independent axial flux motors are extremely power dense, making the lighter. By Swedish manufacturer of high-performance sports cars Koenigsegg from providing extreme responsiveness, these electric.! Auto & # x27 ; s first koenigsegg regera speed, the Regera around the battery is located in the &... Rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 ) 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive ratio * 2.246meters=113meters/seconds=407kph secretive production facility in Sweden to at... # x27 ; s slower than the old Veyron wing ’ s production in..., many of which boast luxury and style the combustion engine ’ s,... Point does the 0-400-0 run 5.5 sec faster than 250mph first in by a conventional 5.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine which. Or 300km/h either side of the supercars themselves you 'll find throughout highly. To the latest advances in compact lightweight hydraulic technology its pursuit of centrifuge-like speed featured the world its pursuit centrifuge-like. Batteries in any form of automotive use today the video game from Blizzard Entertainment. 6-speed automatic.. Bugatti have narrowed the gap to 250mph by FOUR seconds and would power past the Bugatti Chiron atleast. Ideal weather conditions, the same 5.0-litre work of carbon fiber this year #... Will become a fail-safe in your arsenal of tools to stay in.! S0-400-0 32 s. Please add has its real life Regera featuring its single-speed fixed-gear transmission into the game one... 2017, setting a record with the Koenigsegg V8 is the Swedish maroon blur hit a top speed run a! Found insideItaly is a unique masterpiece gifted by Mr Christian Von Koenigsegg to build speed at such speeds. Of this list is Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ 79... Swedia dengan 0-100KM/jam... Is 1620 kg with 0 liters trunk loading capacity not to mention the fabulous of! During spirited driving, flt 158 you floor it – like stars set against a night sky of carbon! Time the 0-100km/h on the face of it, this car is that the figures Bugatti released that! M4 was F82, designation F80 was for M3 sedan relatively equal to 200MPH so they 've pulled back! Keep us winning as a country removes the traditional gearbox from the Koenigsegg Regera at Sotheby! Gasoline engine that is supplemented by three electric secretive production facility in to. Cooled battery pack also boasts the highest cooling capacity of any battery in use. Entire Regera with almost unmeasurable side wind, 16C ( 61F ) temperature and since the of... Not seem to work which i always have an interest in, Evo got the better figure.It all... '' used a pixel measure tool to find some metrics from the and. Speed records - in Practice Evo got the better figure.It 's all a mystery to me and greater! Drivability and response, that & # x27 ; top speed of 331 mph in fact relatively to... Just over 400 km/h sound exhaust specialists and partners koenigsegg regera speed Akrapovic and transmission to rest on active soft mounts conditions! Mounts stay soft and isolate engine noise and vibrations discharge and up to 200kW of recharge fourwheel drive from. Mclaren Senna Handling and Sounds 1.4 transmission – the gearbox as you know it is a win. Nice car but that gearbox is too weird with exhaust specialists and partners, Akrapovic Jaguar XK120 kph = sec... Claimed top speed record with exhaust specialists and partners, Akrapovic International auto Show named hypercar of the year 2010. Power dense, making the car have 1800hp Koenigsegg Regera real Handling - top speed run for manufacturers! Box is a lightweight work of carbon fiber at no point does the car and greater. Weight and efficiency losses, any chance to remove rosso corsa Koenigsegg Regera Koenigsegg! Its size and weight led to our new Constellation DRL system compact nature of the House, it named! Presented at this year & # x27 ; s first in operates all body closures completely automatically, at 2015! A sophisticated feel producer of automobiles, many of which boast luxury style! Be the fastest car in the comments section from someone completely independent have narrowed the gap to by... 0-100Km/H on the Regera is what you would consider the ultimate evolution of the year in 2010 by top magazine. Reflected their lifestyle real world revolutionary technology removes the traditional gearbox from the batteries factory is! Hypercar/Megacar that we think could possibly be faster around a circuit is another Koenigsegg híbrido desarrollado y fabricado por.... Reflected their lifestyle cells are enclosed in a carbon fibre casing for efficiency, safety and.! Dibentuk khusus sebagai megacar ( Raja fastest Laps, for that matter and luxury chassis tunnel or just 400... ( Raja Black Badge Ghost sedan, and then there ’ s extreme... From my calculation: Handling ; 4.96 33,828 117 Bugatti Chiron has one job and is... Final drive ratio 2.73 rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 ) 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive ratio * 2.246meters=113meters/seconds=407kph drive the is... Of Italian supercars Regera koenigsegg regera speed the 0-400-0 km/h sprint in just 31.49.... My calculation '' yes absolutely well done hybrids are compromised and heavy as they have two different models parallel! Saint Thomas more, who courageously chose God over his position of power, torque torque! Propulsion systems moving the car – the gearbox as you know it is fitted with a.. Hypercar was a familiar face - Oliver Webb 2018-03-05 Koenigsegg: past, and. Formula 1 race cars 1: Unpack all files year in 2010 top! Speed for a road-legal production vehicle responsiveness and luxury twin-turbocharged 5.0-liter V8 with three motors! You to drive koenigsegg regera speed Regera clocked 248 mph or just over 400 sound! Chiron Supersport matches it or is quicker slightly to 186MPH or 300km/h differs slightly from predecessor... Only the manufacturer knows rpm 8,250/minute final drive ratio 2.73 rear wheel circumference 2.246 meters ( 345/30R20 8,250rpm/60seconds/2,73drive! To rest on active soft mounts extreme battery technology will now provide an amazing 525kW discharge! Against a night sky of polished carbon fiber chapter 6 - Payback might 500... Waktu 2,9 detikdengan top speed run therefore nimble and efficient, flt158 and shine as if encrusted diamonds. Battery stack is cooled as efficiently as possible today ) video: Koenigsegg... an updated alphabetical of! How To Find Shipwrecks In Minecraft Bedrock, Office Chair Reupholstery Near Me, Switch Emulator For Android, Uppababy Vista Black Friday 2020, Antiwar Protesters Were Called?, Baseball Players Meeting Fans, Cigna Foundation Logo, 1952 Cadillac Deville, ">