However...This book just wasn't for me: it's not that I think it's objectively bad, but I fell asleep at least twice while reading it and that's never a good sign.
It changed my perspective on one or two thing, most notably to contextualize mass media as a new development all things considered. Both technologies can be seen to have largely impacted the speed and transmission of information and both were widely criticised by some, due to their perceived negative consequences.“such a social-media environment; it is merely the most recent and most efficient way that humans have found to scratch a prehistoric itch. Weakness? He makes an intriguing argument that what we often think of as traditional forms of mass media, like radio, are actually historical anomalThe author made some interesting points, but I felt like I was drowning in unnecessary details with this book. Then 19th and 20th Century mass media bunged this all up with its huge and overwhelming broadcast capabilities.

This one felt much drier in tone and repetitious. Eventually the site shut down and everyone moved on, but given a completely free, open, uncensored, anonymous platform to communicate, based on some of the most complex technology in history, able to say whatever they wanted, human beings legally capable of signing up to sacrifice their lives in the service of their country chose to type the equivalent of bathroom stall graffiti at each other. Dread. 5 King Belshazzar made a great feast for a thousand of his lords and drank wine in front of the thousand. It is not until the end of the book that the author addresses our current and most prevalent methods of communicating such as Facebook, Twitter, blogging, etc. Interesting overview of history of communication. The more ancient material is fascinating and the best part of the book. Each of these had far-reaching and hard to predict consequences.
We often think that social media is a "new" phenomenon, but what Standage argues is that what we are seeing now is much more similar to what we saw 2,000 years ago in terms of people sharing information with one another as opposed to being fed information from centralized sources.

Think of it as a brief history of media, communication, and the technologies we use to facilitate them.

Not happy. The more ancient material is fascinating and the best part of the book. LESSON 63 The Writing on the Wall LESSON 64 Daniel in the Lions’ Pit LESSON 65 Esther Saves Her People LESSON 66 Ezra Taught God’s Law LESSON 67 The Walls of Jerusalem Introduction to Section 11 Show more. Irony?

Fans of Sherry Turkle, Maryanne Wolfe and others who carefully examine the way contemporary media have inhabited - or overtaken - the majority of our lives may be disappointed in such a short commentary. It might be a little frustrating if you don’t know what you are going into. Definition of read the writing on the wall in the Idioms Dictionary.

read the writing on the wall phrase.

Each changed the way society worked. It was fascinating. Tom Standage also proposes that if Victorians from the 1800s were to be around today, they would be far from impressed with present Internet capabilities. We should be able to acknowledge both similarities and differences.Can a book be more Anglo-centric when it considers writing? There aren’t many books about people in their 20s who move to Silicon Valley with dreams of earning a living wag...Papyrus rolls and Twitter have much in common, as each was their generation's signature means of “instant” communication. This machine pelted people with messages without asking if they wanted them or if they ever provided any value.I gave it four stars because that was how much I liked it the first time.

It focuses on communication within the roman empire, then jumps to the printing press, reformation, 17th century England, and on to the present. It was a forum anyone could sign up for and remain anonymous, and after an extremely short period of sincere posting about the state of campus life, it predictably settled on a stable equilibrium of posts questioning the heterosexuality of selected guys, impugning the sexual virtues of selected girls, rants about foreign students, poorly spelled boasting, and several other forms of high-minded discourse typically associated with YouTube comments.

It then became clear that the phrase was an elaborate wordplay, relying on the fact that each word can denote a different coin, and the third word can be interpreted as 'Persia'. Tom Standage offers a clear and concise history of media as a social activity stemming from the birth of writing in 3400 BC to contemporary platforms enabling content sharing, judging and analyzing in all of its forms. The writing's on the wall: You will be okay By Jeff Mullin. The only real significant fact that I found interesting was tI will officially blame playoff hockey as my team is playing (Calgary) after a long absence for my lukewarm reaction to the book. I've avoided and looked down upon Facebook, Twitter, and other means to avoid actually talking to someone.

I found the topics much more interesting and there was spots of humour that made laugh out loud. On the face of it, and using a literal translation, this appeared meaningless.
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Writing On The Wall