It supports most countries’ postal tracking (e.g. If you just got the tracking number from seller, please wait about 2 to 3 business days, if seller has actually shipped the goods. provide real-time details of your AliExpress Standard Shipping package. Once the purchase is done, the buyer has the possibility to track any order being shipped via AliExpress. Track24 is not a logistics company, online store or trading platform.Our service automatically sends requests to logistics companies, processes and issues them to users of our services.We do not sell or deliver goods and orders from online stores.We do not know more than what is displayed when tracking on our site.If the statuses of your order do not contain detailed information about the location of your order, we will not be able to give you more detailed information than that indicated in the statuses of logistics companies.If you want to receive more detailed information about the delivery of your order, contact the carrier / trading platform, and he will be able to competently answer all your questions.Posting links to websites of postal services and logistics companies that have identical information with Track24 (if statuses from official sites are present on Track24), such links will be deleted as having no value.Redirect visitors to check tracking-numbers on websites of postal services and logistics companies that have information identical to Track24 (statuses from official sites are present on Track24), such comments will be deleted as having no value.If you violate the rules of the site, your account will be transferred to read-only mode for a period of 1 to 14 days, and with repeated violation for 1 year.

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